BTS 2 year diploma in International Trade
Student's profiles
• This programme is aimed at students with :
• The French L,ES, S or STMG Baccalaureate
• Vocational Baccalaureate
• Or students having already started a university programme
Duration of the programme
2 years among which 12 weeks of internships minimum (4 weeks abroad at least)
La Salle Campus in Saint Etienne’s city centre
With 12 weeks of internships minimum, among which 4 abroad, the HED in international trade offers a short and vocational course which is very appreciated by companies. Within these 2 years of studies post A-levels, this programme enables a quick entry in the working life or further higher education.
Performing means and methods
As a quality programme, the HED in international trade offers numerous advantages for students. Its main assets consist in offering efficient tools and methods to each learner. First with small groups of students enabling them to learn and work in all comfort. A personalized follow-up of each student is offered at La Salle EMCI until entry in the professional life. Besides, all along the programme, different visits in interesting sites of international trade are organized as well as various communication seminars. Concerning the tools available to students, numerous computers are freely accessible as well as a language lab and multimedia room.
- The Higher Education Diploma in international trade enables to understand the challenges of international trade and discover the professional world.
- This curriculum aims at training operational specialists in international trade who can be employed in companies directly after obtaining their diploma.
- Thanks to 12 weeks of internships minimum, among which 4 in foreign countries, this programme allows students to integrate the working life.
- All the techniques of international trade are presented and studied in class.
- Teaching of several foreign languages is ensured.
- The students are taught all the different communication tools in a professional economic and trade context .
- Each student has to take an active part in the implementation and management of import/export projects all along the course.
- The Higher Education Diploma in international trade is a quality diploma, which is very appreciated and recognized by companies.
- Each student is placed in the best conditions so as to perform professionally: working in small classes with a permanent personalized follow-up.
- The HED is open onto the professional world with a network of over 200 companies and 800 alumni.
- All along these 2 years, students have performing means at their disposal : computer parks, WIFI connexion on the entire campus, multi media room…

Targeted occupations
Several possibilities exist for students graduating with a HED in international trade:
- Import export sales assistant
- Logistics assistant
- Import-export area manager’s assistant
Further studies
- In Bachelor Import –Export Zone Manager at La Salle EMCI
- In professional degree at university
- In Business schools via parallel admission tests